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Progressive Badges

Usaha Badge (Strive)Usaha Badge
Maju Badge (Progress)Maju Badge
Jaya Badge (Success)Jaya Badge

Senior Scout

Progressive Badges

Jayadiri Badge (Personal Progress)Jayadiri Badge
Kemahiran Badge (Skill)Kemahiran Badge
Kegiatan Badge (Activities)Kegiatan Badge
Ekspedisi Badge (Expedition)Ekspedisi Badge
Perkhidmatan Badge (Service)Perkhidmatan Badge

The King Scout Award

Award NameImage Placeholder
King Scout AwardKing Scout Award

Rover Scout

Progressive Badges

Expedition BadgeExpedition Badge
Service BadgeService Badge
Scouting Skills BadgeScouting Skills Badge
Project BadgeProject Badge
National Affairs BadgeNational Affairs Badge
Cultural Activities BadgeCultural Activities Badge
World Affairs BadgeWorld Affairs Badge

Senior and Junior Scout Rank Badges

Junior Scout Rank Badges

Junior Patrol SecondJunior Patrol Second
Junior Patrol LeaderJunior Patrol Leader
Junior Troop LeaderJunior Troop Leader

Senior Scout Rank Badges

Senior Patrol SecondSenior Patrol Second
Senior Patrol LeaderSenior Patrol Leader
Senior Troop LeaderSenior Troop Leader